How to Install Arch Linux for Newbies

Table of Contents

So, you’re new to Linux and you want to install Arch Linux which many say is bad for newbies. Well, to be honest, it is up to you and how manual you would like to get. So if you intend to use just plain Arch, then you are in the right place. We are going to use the simplest configuration we can to get a functioning system. There will be no shinny graphic system to boot into the first time. Just a console, as we will follow up with some highly used and well documented desktop environments and window managers alike. If you want the ability to fully customize your system, then you need to start with a base.

Today we are going to go over the steps in which to build an Arch system for a VM. You can use Virtual BoxGnome Boxes, or even Virt Manager. You will have a functioning system after this to learn from. We recommend you try it a few times. If you ever get stuck please comment below, and we will try to answer your questions with kindness. Let’s get out our neck beards and make them a little grayer learning how to install Arch, so you too can say, “By the way, I use Arch!”

Install Arch Linux

First thing you are going to want to do once you get your Arch ISO booted into console is check your connectivity. If you are using a VM you should have connectivity as log as your host machine does. If you are using this guide for a desktop or laptop you should make sure to connect via Ethernet. It is possible to use Wi-Fi, but it can become a point of failure. So let’s focus on a VM configuration.

arch boot screen
					ping –c 4
ping google in arch linux terminal

You can see all you need to do is ping a website/domain to see if you get responses. We are sending a count of four packages to If all is well, your output should read 4 packets transmitted, 4 received. The next thing to consider is setting the time and date. We can do that like so.

					timedatectl set-ntp true


We will need to partition the disk to hold our new system. To see what our disk is called we will use lsblk.

lsblk command in arch linux terminal

You should see the installation media and a disk named sda or vda. This can be different on some VM systems or even physical hardware. It depends on how they are assigned and how many disks you may be working with. Particularly on a non-virtual device. But this command will identify them either way.

					cfdisk /dev/vda
cfdisk tool in arch linux terminal

You will notice that you will need to choose GPT or DOS here. We will go with DOS as it is an easy way to go unless you have terabytes of space on this VM. This is something to consider on a physical machine. The first partition can be made by selecting New.

make boot partition in arch linux

We will make it 180 MiB. Trust me, you don’t need 512 MiB. Next we will want to make it boot-able by pressing b, producing an * next to the partition name.

make root partition in arch linux terminal

Next we will make the rest of the space on the disk into our root partition. This is where you would make a home partition if you need one on a regular machine. You should never need it in a VM. Now we select write to partition the disk and exit cfdisk. We can now move onto formatting the partitions.

					mkfs.ext4 /dev/vda1

We will repeat this on the next partition and any others we wish to use on our system.

					mkfs.ext4 /dev/vda2

Go ahead and mount our new partitions.

					mount /dev/vda2 /mnt

Now we will want to make a mount location for our boot partition.

					mkdir /mnt/boot

Finally, mount the boot partition to the mount point we just created.

					mount /dev/vda1 /mnt/boot
mount partitions in arch linux terminal

System Installation

Once you make it past the partitioning, you have made it past the hard part. Now we will install our system with one command string.

					pacstrap /mnt base base-devel linux linux-firmware vim
install arch linux

We are using the pacstrap command here to populate our system. This will install our base and base-devel to start us off with some tools we need. Then we added linux and linux-firmware to ensure we have a kernel. You can also add the LTS kernel. Just add linux-lts instead. We also include vim since we will need to edit some files. Any non-graphic text editor will do. This can take some time. Once your packages are all done downloading. We will create fstab.

					genfstab -U /mnt
fstab using UUIDs in arch linux terminal

We used the genfstab command to start us off. Then we use the –U option to ensure we use a UUID instead of a disk name. This is so we have a unique identifier. This will ensure that when you install this on a real machine that you will not have any issues due to disk failure.

Critical Configurations

We will now chroot into our new system to get it prepared for our first boot.

					arch-chroot /mnt /bin/bash

Notice your command prompt will change. This just means you managed to chroot in no problem. Now we need to add two essential packages.

					pacman –S networkmanager grub

We will need a Network Manager to make sure we can connect to the network when we boot for the first time. We will also install grub to help us boot into Arch in the first place. Now we will enable Network Manager.

enable NetworkManager in arch linux terminal

Make sure you write it the way you see it here as this could mess with connectivity if we create the symlink incorrectly. Now we will configure grub. First let’s install it to our disk.

					grub-install /dev/vda

Make sure not to install it to just one partition. Install grub to the whole disk. Now we will make our configuration.

					grub-mkconfig –o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Set up a root password to make sure we can log in for the first time.



Now we are going to want to set up our system locales. We will want to be able to use our language of choice to make it easy to use Arch.

					vim /etc/locale.gen
generate locale in arch linux terminal

Type a to edit. Here you will need to scroll down to find your language. Un-comment the line that you need. We will be un-commenting en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8 and en_US ISO-8859-1 around line 177. You can then hit Esc and type :wq to write and quit the file. Now we need to generate the locales.


Next we can set the locale and generate our new file like this.

					localectl set-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8

The next thing we will want to do is set up our hostname.

					vim /etc/hostname

Type a to edit. You can name your host or computer anything you like. So have fun with it! Now we can hit Esc and then type :wq to write and quit the file. Now we can set our time zone. We can use tab for command completion to help us know what options there are.

					ln –sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/
using tab to locate country and city in arch linux terminal

We know what our country and city zone names are, so we will go ahead and use the whole command. Just remember you can tab at any / to see the options in a directory.

					ln –sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Las_Angeles

First Boot

Now we are going to boot into our system for the first time.  To prepare for this we will exit our chroot environment.


Now we are free to un-mount our partitions, so we can carry on to our first boot.

					umount –R /mnt

Next thing to do is boot into our new system. So take a deep breath, and then we will go for it.

neofetch on base system arch linux

That is it! You now are part of the Arch overlords. You should now be greeted with a console log in prompt. You can decide what kind of Arch spin you would like to run. You can ask yourself if it is for a particular task, light weight or just a really cool beautiful spin of software and art across your screen. Thanks for reading.

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